With a Sharepoint Calendar the events with a long title/description are cropped and you cannot see the full description, except if you move your mouse over it.
So I’ve had to do some CSS and a complicated JavaScript code to be able to create some large boxes. Now we are able to see the full content title/description of the event.
The result is below:
As you can see, the boxes for the events are now bigger!
To do so, you’ll have to insert the below code into your page:
<style type="text/css"> .ms-acal-rootdiv div { overflow: visible; white-space: normal; } .ms-acal-item { height:auto !important } .ms-acal-outday { height:100% !important } </style>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // load the function after the events are loaded _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames.push('changeCalendarEventLinkIntercept'); function changeCalendarEventLinkIntercept() { var OldCalendarNotify4a = SP.UI.ApplicationPages.CalendarNotify.$4b; SP.UI.ApplicationPages.CalendarNotify.$4b = function () { OldCalendarNotify4a(); setTimeout(function() { showFullEvents() }, 250) } } // on resize the boxes must be replaced $(window).on('resize', function() { setTimeout(function() { showFullEvents() }, 500) }); function showFullEvents() { var prevPos={bottom:0,left:0}; var minHeight=0,savedHeight=0,savedMinHeight=0,diffHeight=0; var aRows=jQuery('.ms-acal-summary-itemrow'); // set the same size for each row aRows.each(function() { var h=$(this).outerHeight(); if (savedMinHeight<h) savedMinHeight=h; // save the current height of the row $(this).data("saved-height",h) }).each(function() { $(this).css("height",savedMinHeight+"px"); }); savedHeight=savedMinHeight; // move the events jQuery('.ms-acal-item').each(function() { var $this=$(this); var pos=$this.position(); var height=$this.outerHeight(); var bottom=pos.top+height; minHeight+=height; // check if the current event is hover the previous one if (prevPos.left === pos.left && prevPos.bottom>pos.top) { $this.css("top",(1+prevPos.bottom)+"px") bottom += prevPos.bottom-pos.top + 1; minHeight+=2; } // check if we need to make the cell bigger if (prevPos.left !== pos.left && savedMinHeight<minHeight) { diffHeight=minHeight-savedHeight; // diffHeight will permit to move down all the events later savedMinHeight=minHeight; jQuery('.ms-acal-summary-itemrow > td').css("height",minHeight+"px") } if (prevPos.left !== pos.left) minHeight=0 prevPos={bottom:bottom,left:pos.left}; }) if (diffHeight>0) { var prevDiff=0,diff=0,prevRow=0; jQuery('.ms-acal-item').each(function(idx) { var $this=$(this); // find index that defines the row var row=1*$this.attr("_index").split(",")[0]; if (idx===0 || prevRow!=row) { prevDiff=diff; diff+=savedMinHeight-aRows.eq(row).data("saved-height"); } if (row > 0) $this.css("top",($this.position().top+prevDiff+2)+"px") prevRow=row; }) } } </script>
The code could be more clean, but I did that during an evening after a long day of work, so I’m just happy that it’s working. If you’re able to produce a cleaner code, please share it with me!
To give some explanations :
- The CSS permits to wrap the text and make the colored boxes bigger
- The problem starts when there are more than 1 event in a day because the boxes hover each other
- So with JavaScript we have to calculate which boxes are hover the others, and then move them down
- But if you move the boxes, you also have to make the cells bigger…
- And if the cells are bigger, then you need to move down the events/boxes that are in the below row
- And finally, when the window is resized, Sharepoint is moving them around, so the script has to execute again after a resize.
Tested only with Sharepoint 2010, with IE7+, Firefox and Chrome.