Load a script once a DispForm is fully shown in Sharepoint 2013

Sharepoint 2013 introduced the JSLink. This is very useful to play with forms and views.

My attempt here is to remove some rows from the DispForm. To do so I needed to trigger an action as soon as the fields rendering has been done. After different tries, I finally came up with the PostRender option.

// https://gist.github.com/Aymkdn/98acfbb46fbe7c1f00cdd3c753520ea8
function loadExt(e,t){var s=this;s.files=e,s.js=[],s.head=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],s.after=t||function(){},s.loadStyle=function(e){var t=document.createElement("link");t.rel="stylesheet",t.type="text/css",t.href=e,s.head.appendChild(t)},s.loadScript=function(e){var t=document.createElement("script");t.type="text/javascript",t.src=s.js[e];var a=function(){++e<s.js.length?s.loadScript(e):s.after()};t.onload=function(){a()},s.head.appendChild(t)};for(var a=0;a<s.files.length;a++)/\.js$|\.js\?/.test(s.files[a])&&s.js.push(s.files[a]),/\.css$|\.css\?/.test(s.files[a])&&s.loadStyle(s.files[a]);s.js.length>0?s.loadScript(0):s.after()}

// verify when all scripts have been loaded
var loadExtLoaded = false;
function checkExt(ctx) {
  if (loadExtLoaded) {
    // here you can call a function that is in one of the called script
  } else {
    setTimeout(function() { checkExt(ctx) }, 50);
], function() {

(function() {
  function onLoad(ctx) {

  // do some actions as soon as the fields are shown
  var loadAfterForm = {
    Templates: {
      OnPostRender:function(ctx) {
         // only trigger when everything is loaded
        // --> ctx.ListData.Items[0] all the fields
        if (ctx.ListSchema.Field[0].Name === "Attachments") {

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