Category: Niveau débutant

Get window/viewport/document height and width [JavaScript]

Via andylangton and james.padolsey we can find the viewport and document height/width in JavaScript: function getPageSize() { var vw = {width:0, height:0}; var doc = {width:0, height:0}; var w=window, d=document, dde=d.documentElement, db=d.getElementsByTagName(‘body’)[0]; // viewport size vw.width = w.innerWidth||dde.clientWidth||db.clientWidth; vw.height = w.innerHeight||dde.clientHeight||db.clientHeight; // document size doc.width = Math.max(db.scrollWidth, dde.scrollWidth, db.offsetWidth, dde.offsetWidth, db.clientWidth, dde.clientWidth); doc.height = Math.max(db.scrollHeight, […]

Breadcrumb / steps in CSS that works from IE8 [CSS]

I was looking for a simple code for a step by step process indicator. I found a few things, but everyone seems to have forgotten about IE8… I need to support this old browser at work. So I did my own that I’m sharing here: File Uploaded → File Reviewed → File Approved And the […]

Communication between iframe and parent window [JavaScript]

In the iframe you’ll use the below code: window.parent.postMessage(“Hello World !”, “”); And in the parent window: // function that will be called when the message is received function receiveMessage(event) { alert(; // it’ll show “Hello World !” } // we listen to a message if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener(‘message’, receiveMessage, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) […]

Use hash word in the Sharepoint navigation

Let’s say you have the url and you want to use it as a link into your left navigation bar in Sharepoint…. If you try putting that name, Sharepoint will not keep your link. The trick here is to add a questionmark juste before the #. The URL to use will be and […]


This is a very tiny javascript code to do an AJAX Request: /* m: method (“get”, “post”) u: url a: async (true) or sync (false) c: callback (with ‘xhr’ as a parameter) d: post_data (the data to post) */ function tiny_ajax(m,u,a,c,d){with(new(this.XMLHttpRequest||ActiveXObject)(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”))onreadystatechange=function(){readyState^4||c(this)},open(m,u,a),send(d)} And an example: tiny_ajax(‘get’, ‘’, true, function(xhr) { alert(xhr.responseText) })

How to change the Firefox portable main window icon? [Astuce]

If you use Firefox Portable in the same time as the regular Firefox, then it can be annoying to see the same icons for the both Firefox. You can easily change the icon for the main window of the portable version of Firefox. Just find the .ico you want to use and place it into […]

Override SharePoint OOTB Upload.aspx default for “Add as a new version to existing files” checkbox

With Sharepoint, when we want to upload a file, the “Add as a new version to existing file” is checked by default, and that could be an issue for you. Here is a JavaScript fix to add into your masterpage, just before the </head> tag : <script type=”text/javascript”> function DefaultUploadOverwriteOff() { if (document.title.indexOf(“Upload Document”) > […]

Requête MySQL insensible aux accents

Pour effectuer une requête MySQL qui ne sera pas sensible aux accents (par exemple ‘ö’ = ‘o’ ou ‘à’ = ‘a’) il faut rajouter le mot clé COLLATE avec la bonne collection. Après plusieurs tests, j’utilise la collection utf8_general_ci. Ce qui donnera : SELECT ID, Nom FROM Inscrits WHERE Nom LIKE ‘%heracles%’ COLLATE utf8_general_ci ORDER […]