VirtualBox qui utilise le VPN de la machine hôte

Dans le cadre de mon travail j’ai dû utiliser VirtualBox afin de pouvoir tester différentes versions d’IE. Mon problème est que mon PC utilise normalement un VPN pour accéder au réseau de l’entreprise et que ma VM n’arrive pas à y accéder de base….

Pour y remédier il faut d’abord définir deux adaptateurs dans l’onglet Network de la VM :

  1. NAT (s’assurer que “Cable Connected” est coché)
  2. Bridged Adapter (avec “Promiscous Mode”: Allow All, et “Cable Connected” de coché)

Ensuite, au niveau de la machine virtuelle, il devrait y avoir deux connexions :

  1. Une qui doit avoir une IP en 10.x.x.x (réseau du VPN)
  2. La deuxième qui doit avoir une IP de notre réseau local (192.168.0.x chez moi) … IP Local à définir manuellement si nécessaire, et à noter qu’il faut aussi définir les DNS manuellement (j’utilise ceux de Google) si on veut que ça fonctionne bien

A partir d’ici votre système devrait être en mesure d’accéder au réseau VPN.

(ci-dessous une configuration que je dois faire pour réussir à avoir un semblant d’accès au reste du Net … à noter que ça rend les choses instables)

Dans l’exemple qui suit on va supposer que ma gateway pour le VPN est et pour le réseau local

Ensuite j’ai modifié les routes en ouvrant une console cmd en tant qu’administrateur puis je tape :
route print (pour trouver le numéro des interfaces, on va dire que #13 est pour 10.x.x.x et #15 pour l’interface en 192.168.0.x)
route -f (on flush les règles existantes)
route add mask IF 15 (par défaut tout le trafic passe par le réseau normal)
route add mask IF 13 (et tout ce qui concerne le réseau du VPN on l’envoie vers celui-ci)

Change screen saver timeout [Windows]

Let’s say your network admin blocked the default screensaver timeout to 15 minutes, but you want more…. You can change this timeout by running as an administrator the regedit then use the “Find…” command to look for “ScreenSaveTimeOut”.

It should be under Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop

The timeout is defined in seconds. Just change the value and reboot. is returned when trying to change the default search engine for Internet Explorer

I have IE11 on my pro laptop, with Bing, while I want to use Google as my default search engine. However it keeps returning me the page with no way to install another search provider…

After looking for a solution, I found you can use the direct link to be able to install Google on Internet Explorer.

Excel file as an HTML table and Date formatting

If you create an Excel file using an HTML Table, then it exists a way to format the cells based on some CSS rules. Some examples can be found on this blog post.

I spent some time trying to figure out how to display correctly the dates, whatever your regional settings are ; for exemple in the USA the format is MM/dd/YYYY, and for the rest of the world is dd/MM/YYYY.

Finally I found that the content of the date cells must always be defined with the same format : YYY-MM-dd HH:mm, and then we can apply a style like mso-number-format:"dd\-mmm\-yyyy\ hh\:mm".


<style>br {mso-data-placement:same-cell} .xls-date {mso-number-format:"dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm"}</style>
      <th>Event Name</th>
      <th>Event Date</th>
      <td>Birthday Party</td>
      <td class="xls-date">2015-11-01 10:00</td>

So the date cell will display: 01-Nov-2015 10:00 and will be interpreted as a Date cell by Excel.

Pure Javascript Drag and Drop cross browser from IE8

I was looking for a simple JavaScript to drag a div element around, and that would work with IE8 and without any third party libraries (like jQuery). It’s been very difficult to find a simple code !

Finally saved me with some code… but there was still a problem with IE8 due to the mouse that wasn’t losing capture. So after some research, I’ve been able to create a code that works for IE8 and modern browsers:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- `top` and `left` must be defined into the `style` -->
    <div id="popup" style="background-color:green;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:250px;height:250px;z-index:9999;box-shadow: 6px 6px 5px #888888;border-radius:6px;border:1px solid #4f4f4f;">
      <div id="popup_bar" style="width:100%;background-color:#aaff66;position:relative;top:0;border-radius:6px 6px 0 0; text-align:center;height:24px;cursor:move">Title</div>
      <p>Content of the popup</p>
<script>/* see below for the javascript */</script>
!function() {
  function addListener(element, type, callback, capture) {
    if (element.addEventListener) {
      element.addEventListener(type, callback, capture);
    } else {
      element.attachEvent("on" + type, callback);
  function draggable(element) {
    var dragging = null;
    addListener(element, "mousedown", function(e) {
      var e = window.event || e;
      dragging = {
        mouseX: e.clientX,
        mouseY: e.clientY,
        startX: parseInt(,
        startY: parseInt(
      if (element.setCapture) element.setCapture();
    addListener(element, "losecapture", function() {
      dragging = null;
    addListener(document, "mouseup", function() {
      dragging = null;
      if (document.releaseCapture) document.releaseCapture();
    }, true);
    var dragTarget = element.setCapture ? element : document;
    addListener(dragTarget, "mousemove", function(e) {
      if (!dragging) return;
      var e = window.event || e;
      var top = dragging.startY + (e.clientY - dragging.mouseY);
      var left = dragging.startX + (e.clientX - dragging.mouseX); = (Math.max(0, top)) + "px"; = (Math.max(0, left)) + "px";
    }, true);
  // here you must define the element to be draggable

You can test this code with the demo or see it on Gist.

How to expand Sharepoint 2013 calendar by default [JavaScript]

This code has been tested for Sharepoint 2013 only. It permits to expand by default (so as soon as the page is loaded) the events in the Month calendar view.

See here a solution for Sharepoint 2010.

Tested with IE8 and Firefox 41. You’ll have to add the below JavaScript code into your calendar page:

// the below function simulate a click on a link
function fireEventClick(elem){
      var e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
      e.initMouseEvent('click', /* Event type */
      true, /* Can bubble */
      true, /* Cancelable */
      document.defaultView, /* View */
      1, /* Mouse clicks */
      0, /* Screen x */
      0, /* Screen y */
      0, /* Client x */
      0, /* Client y */
      false, /* Ctrl */
      false, /* Alt */
      false, /* Shift */
      false, /* Meta */
      0, /* Button */
      null); /* Related target */
    } else { // pour IE;

// Expand the events
// because Sharepoint redraw ALL the events when we click on Expand, then we need a special recurrent function
function ExpandEvents(idx) {
  var a = document.querySelectorAll('a[evtid="expand_collapse"]');
  if (idx < a.length) {
    if (a[idx].parentNode.getAttribute("_expand") !== "collapse") fireEventClick(a[idx]);

function onCalendarGridsRendered(){
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 250)

// some code reused from
SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(function () {
    //Week or Day Calendar View
    SP.UI.ApplicationPages.DetailCalendarView.prototype.renderGrids_Old = SP.UI.ApplicationPages.DetailCalendarView.prototype.renderGrids;
    SP.UI.ApplicationPages.DetailCalendarView.prototype.renderGrids = function SP_UI_ApplicationPages_DetailCalendarView$renderGrids($p0) {
    //Month Calendar View
    SP.UI.ApplicationPages.SummaryCalendarView.prototype.renderGrids_Old = SP.UI.ApplicationPages.SummaryCalendarView.prototype.renderGrids;
    SP.UI.ApplicationPages.SummaryCalendarView.prototype.renderGrids = function SP_UI_ApplicationPages_SummaryCalendarView$renderGrids($p0) {
}, "SP.UI.ApplicationPages.Calendar.js");

And we can hide the “Collapse” links with one line of CSS:

.ms-cal-nav[evtid="expand_collapse"] { display: none !important }

Transform pseudo currency to number in JavaScript

In JavaScript I want to change some formatted numbers to a regular number.

The code might be look like that:

var aNb=[ 1500, "1,500", "15,00", "1,500,000", "1,500,000.25", "1000.25", "1 000 000"];
for (var i=0; i < aNb.length; i++) {
  var nb = aNb[i] + "";
  if (nb.split(",").length <= 2)
    nb = nb.replace(/,(\d{2})$/,".$1");
  nb = nb.replace(/[^\d\.\-]/g, '').replace(/\s/g,"")
  console.log(aNb[i], "=>", nb);

/* result:
1500 => 1500
1,500 => 1500
15,00 => 15.00
1,500,000 => 1500000
1,500,000.25 => 1500000.25
1000.25 => 1000.25
1 000 000 => 1000000

Force CORS headers in Firefox to allow cross domain calls

This guy created a Firefox extension to force the CORS (access-control) headers from a call. This is very useful when you want to do a JavaScript/AJAX query over another website that doesn’t allow the cross domain calls.

His code is on github. I’ve the XPI compiled version on my blog (into a ZIP file) found from website.

You’ll need to add the addon bar (restored) in order to use ForceCORS.

Then you have to go to the about:config and search for forcecors.headers in order to set it up as you need. If it’s for an intranet with credentials required, then check my tip on github.

Make sure you have restarted Firefox and click on the cors that appears into the bottom addon bar of Firefox. It should switch to red. You can now do cross domain calls!

Sharepoint Workflow: Check if a field is empty [Sharepoint 2010]

The Sharepoint workflows are powerful but sometimes stupid…

If you want to:

  • Check if a Date Field is empty, then you can use a String Workflow Variable that contains your Date Field as a Short Date (SP2013) (or a String for SP2010), and then compare it to “1/1/0001” (or “1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM” for SP2010)
  • Check if a Currency field is empty… you cannot because it returns 0 when empty, so you have to change it to a Number field…
  • Check if a Lookup field is empty, then set the Lookup field to a String variable and check if this variable is empty