Tag: github

Cross-browser solution to read a local file and return the Data URI in base64 [Javascript]

I searched for a solution to have a way to read a local file and then have the Base64 content returned into all the web browsers. The Javascript FileReader API exists for the modern browsers but not for Internet Explorer (IE). The solution is finally with Flash ! Look at the project on http://aymkdn.github.com/FileToDataURI/, and […]

SharepointPlus 2.5.1 released [announcement]

I’ve just released SharepointPlus 2.5.1 ! This new version brings two functions : – $SP.people() that will permit you to find the user details (email, manager, departement, job title, …) from his name; – $SP.addressbook() that is a search feature to find anyone from the Active Directory using a part of a name. Enhance your […]

Datepicker pour Bootstrap [Javascript]

Edit 5/04/2012 : d’autres personnes ont fait comme moi, et vous pouvez trouver leur repository sur https://github.com/eternicode/bootstrap-datepicker — ils ont corrigé les mêmes bugs visiblement et ont ajouté quelques petites choses comme le support i18n (internationalisation du format de la date) J’ai découvert un datepicker qui utilise l’excellent Bootstrap de Twitter (vous savez c’est un […]