JavaScript APIs you’ve never heard of (And some you have)

From this video I’ve discovered several JS API I didn’t know. Let’s list them:

1) Use children instead of childNodes to list the children nodes of a DOM element:

document.getElementById('test').childNodes.length; // 7 -> because it also returns the text nodes
document.getElementById('test').children.length; // 3

Support: all browsers, but from IE6 to IE8 it will also return the comments nodes <!-- -->

2) Use nextElementSibling / previousElementSibling / firstElementChild / lastElementChild instead of nextSibling / previousSibling / firstChild / lastChild, because the second one will return the text nodes, but no the first one:

document.getElementById('test').firstChild; // #textNode
document.getElementById('test').firstElementChild; // LI

Support: IE9+, FF3.5+, Chrome.

3) Use contains() to indicates whether a node is a descendent of a given node:

  <li id="test">
document.body.contains(document.getElementById('test')); // TRUE

Support: all browsers.

4) Insert an HTML element with insertAdjacentHTML (see on MDN):

<div id="one">one</div>
// the first param of insertAdjacentHTML can be :
// <!-- beforebegin --><div id="one"><!-- afterbegin -->one<!--beforeend --></div><!-- afterend -->
document.getElementById('one').insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', '
'); // At this point, the new structure is: //

Support: all browsers.

5) If you want to replace a node you can either use replaceChild or outerHTML. See outerHTML on MDN.

Support: all browsers.

6) Input.setSelection() sets the start and end positions of the current text selection in an <input> element. That could be useful to put the caret in a particular place (see on MDN):

var textbox=document.getElementById('my-input');
textbox.setSelectionRange(textbox.value.length,textbox.value.length); // the caret will be at the end of the input text

Support: All browsers, except for IE (only from IE9).

7) The document.activeElement returns the currently focused element (see details on MDN):

document.activeElement; // #my-input

Support: all browsers.

8) The new FormData is part of the XMLHttpRequest Level 2 and permits to easily construct a set of key/value pairs representing form fields and their values and then send them with the send() command (see more on MDN):

var data=new FormData();
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"post", "/submit", true);

Support: it’s quite well supported, except from IE from version 10 only

Note: the video gives more functions regarding the XMLHttpRequest Level 2

9) Element.matchesSelector() permits to test a CSS selector over an element. It’s prefixed so we’ll create a function:

<div><span class="title" id="test">Hello world!</span></div>
if (!Element.prototype.matchesSelector) {
  Element.prototype.matchesSelector = function(css) {
    if (this.webkitMatchesSelector) return this.webkitMatchesSelector(css)
    if (this.mozMatchesSelector) return this.mozMatchesSelector(css)
    if (this.msMatchesSelector) return this.msMatchesSelector(css)
    if (this.oMatchesSelector) return this.oMatchesSelector(css)

var span=document.getElementById('test');
span.matchesSelector('#test'); // true
span.matchesSelector('.title'); // true
span.matchesSelector('div > span'); // true

Support: all browsers, except for IE starting from IE9.

10) getBoundingClientRect permits to know the size and the position of an element in the viewport:

var div=document.getElementById('test');
var rect=div.getBoundingClientRect();
// in pixels, relative to the viewport
rect.right; // relative to left
rect.bottom; // relative to top

Support: all browsers, however with IE<8 there is a bug that adds 2 to the different positions.

11) document.elementFromPoint(x,y) returns the element that is in the (x,y) coordinates. For example, this is useful to know over which element the mouse is.

Support: all browsers.

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