Let’s Encrypt Certificate: how to remove a domain from a certname that contains several domains

My server manages several websites with different domains using Apache. The first time I used Let’s Encrypt I followed the default command which has created one certname for ALL my domains.

Now I want to remove just one domain from this certificate, and it becomes complicated to understand how to do it. The best solution is to create a new certificate for each of my domains, and then to delete the original certname.

Let’s say my certname is called www.example.com and it contains the below domains:

  • www.example.com
  • example.com
  • blog.example.com
  • other-example.com
  • www.other-example.com
  • my-other-domain.com
  • www.my-other-domain.com
  • api.test.com

The one I don’t need anymore is *.my-other-domain.com.

First, we create a certificate individually for each domain that we want to keep:

certbot --apache --cert-name example.com -d example.com,www.example.com,blog.example.com
certbot --apache --cert-name other-example.com -d other-example.com,www.other-example.com
certbot --apache --cert-name test.com -d api.test.com

--cert-name permits to give our own name to the certificate, and -d indicates which domains should be added to this certificate.

Then we can list all our certificates:

certbot certificates

Using the above command you can find the Certificate Path and now we can delete our original certificate:

certbot revoke --cert-path /etc/letsencrypt/live/www.example.com/fullchain.pem

You’re all set! All your domains should still have a correct certificate, and you revoked the ones you don’t need anymore.

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