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How to run Android TV 9 on Windows

I used to use Android Studio with the various emulators to test my Android apps, however for Android TV 9 it doesn’t work properly because it doesn’t have Google Play Store on it. To have a good version of Android TV 9: Downlad a VirtualBox image of it – I used the one shared in […]

Supprimer la commande Ctrl+Alt+Supp pour ouvrir Windows 11

Il suffit de modifier le registre de Windows (regedit), en passant à 1 la variable DisableCad dans ces deux emplacements : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Search and restore an item from a SharePoint Online Recycle Bin

It might be difficult to search for an item in a SharePoint recycle bin. I was using the end point _api/site/RecycleBin as a Site Collection Administrator, but in some cases it returns an error « The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold. ». The solution is to use another end point _api/site/getrecyclebinitems […]

Deploy a PCF NodeJS app as a scheduled task

I have a NodeJS app that runs as a process and that executes a task every 15 minutes using node-schedule. We first need a manifest.yml file that contains: — applications: – name: APP-NAME buildpack: nodejs_buildpack no-route: true health-check-type: process env: OPTIMIZE_MEMORY: true The no-route parameter is true so that we don’t get a route assigned, […]

Power Automate: execute a SQL Query via On-Promise Gateway

In Power Automate, when you want to connect to a SQL Server and if you have a On-Promise Gateway, then you cannot use the command « Execute a SQL Query » because it will say it’s not currently supported. There is a workaround with « Transform data using Power Query » (ATTENTION: you cannot load it from a flow […]

Pass an URL parameter to a SharePoint Online form’s field

The only way to pass a URL parameter to a SharePoint Online (modern design) form’s field is to use PowerApps (at least, if you cannot add any JS on your website!). Important warning: when you use PowerApps to manage your form, all edits to the list settings won’t reflect to the PowerApps form. For example, […]

Transfer an Alexa AWS Lambda function from the online editor to the ASK CLI

When we follow the guide to build a new smarthome skill, it gives the steps to create a function in the online code editor. But if you prefer to use the ASK CLI, there is some steps to follow… I first create a fake skill with ask new (using the « hello world » and « AWS Lambda » […]

Debug a third party Android APK

(inspired by this blog post) 1) Install smalidea plugin Download the smalidea plugin (see also the related Github Repository). Open up Android Studio and you should see the welcome screen like the one on screenshot below (if not, close your current project by selecting File -> Close project), go to the Plugins section, and from […]

Capacitor Plugin for HTTP requests with self-signed SSL certificates

I’m using CapacitorJS for easy development with Android. I needed a way to do an HTTPS request to a box that uses self-signed SSL certificate. To accomplish it, I created my own capacitor plugin. See this wiki page for details: https://github.com/Aymkdn/assistant-freebox-cloud/wiki/Capacitor-Plugin-for-HTTP-requests-with-self-signed-SSL-certificates

Let’s Encrypt Certificate: how to remove a domain from a certname that contains several domains

My server manages several websites with different domains using Apache. The first time I used Let’s Encrypt I followed the default command which has created one certname for ALL my domains. Now I want to remove just one domain from this certificate, and it becomes complicated to understand how to do it. The best solution […]