Catégorie : Niveau expert

Capacitor Plugin for HTTP requests with self-signed SSL certificates

I’m using CapacitorJS for easy development with Android. I needed a way to do an HTTPS request to a box that uses self-signed SSL certificate. To accomplish it, I created my own capacitor plugin. See this wiki page for details:

Let’s Encrypt Certificate: how to remove a domain from a certname that contains several domains

My server manages several websites with different domains using Apache. The first time I used Let’s Encrypt I followed the default command which has created one certname for ALL my domains. Now I want to remove just one domain from this certificate, and it becomes complicated to understand how to do it. The best solution […]

Upgrade from MySQL (5.6.40 – Debian 9.12) to MariaDB

(Source) A few steps: sudo apt-get install software-properties-common dirmngr wget -qO – | sudo apt-key add – nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.list In mariadb.list we add the two below lines: deb [arch=amd64,i386,ppc64el] stretch main deb-src stretch main Then: apt-get update apt-get install mariadb-server

Sharepoint REST API to index a column or delete a column and more…

Due to the 5,000 items threshold limitation it can become very frustrating to administrate Sharepoint. For example, if your list has more than 5,000 items, you cannot add an index, delete a lookup/people column, delete the list or the website, and more ! Hopefully some of the operations can be done with REST API, and […]

Create a self-signed certificate for localhost testing with IE11 and Webpack

Sources: If you develop with Webpack under Windows and you want to open your localhost server in HTTPS with IE11 you may receive a message like : « Content was blocked because it was not signed by a valid security certificate. » Below I explain the steps to make it work with IE11: […]

Remove custom properties/metadata for an Office document [javascript]

I have this document library on Sharepoint where I have one custom column called Metadata and that is a lookup to another list on my Sharepoint. When the users download an Office document from this library and then re-upload it we could have the below error message: There is at least one lookup column that […]

How to delete a document locked by another user in Sharepoint using JavaScript

When you open a file from Sharepoint, it will receive a short term lock that will prevent others to change some properties on the file. This protection can be useful, but also very annoying, for example when the file is not closed properly, then the lock could stay « forever ». There are many posts on the […]

Create an Unpublished Content view for the masterpage galery [Sharepoint]

With Sharepoint 2013 I wanted an easy way to list of the pages in my masterpage galery that haven’t been published yet. You first need to Create a new view named Unpublished Content. You can sort by Name, and scroll down to the Folders settings and choose Show all items without folders. We now have […]

Capture HTTP(S) traffic from Android using a sniffer

I wanted to debug an Android app that uses HTTPS requests with a JSON API. Thanks to this article I’ve been able to use my Windows 10 computer to get all the network from my Android phone thru my local network and decode the HTTPS requests ! I’m going to summarize the steps from the […]

Mise à jour d’un serveur Kimsufi (OVH) depuis Debian 7.10 (Wheezy) vers Debian 8 (Jessie) [Linux]

Il faut régulièrement penser à mettre à jour son serveur Kimsufi. Je vais essayer d’expliquer brièvement les étapes à suivre pour cela. On va d’abord sauvegarder les données : mkdir /root/svg_special; cp -R /var/lib/dpkg /root/svg_special/; cp /var/lib/apt/extended_states /root/svg_special/; dpkg –get-selections « * » > /root/svg_special/dpkg_get_selection; cp -R /etc /root/svg_special/etc Ensuite il est conseillé d’utiliser screen pour pouvoir […]