Let’s say your network admin blocked the default screensaver timeout to 15 minutes, but you want more…. You can change this timeout by running as an administrator the regedit then use the “Find…” command to look for “ScreenSaveTimeOut”. It should be under Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop The timeout is defined in seconds. Just change the value and […]
Category: Niveau intermédiaire
Excel file as an HTML table and Date formatting
If you create an Excel file using an HTML Table, then it exists a way to format the cells based on some CSS rules. Some examples can be found on this blog post. I spent some time trying to figure out how to display correctly the dates, whatever your regional settings are ; for exemple […]
Pure Javascript Drag and Drop cross browser from IE8
I was looking for a simple JavaScript to drag a div element around, and that would work with IE8 and without any third party libraries (like jQuery). It’s been very difficult to find a simple code ! Finally http://news.qooxdoo.org/mouse-capturing saved me with some code… but there was still a problem with IE8 due to the […]
How to expand Sharepoint 2013 calendar by default [JavaScript]
This code has been tested for Sharepoint 2013 only. It permits to expand by default (so as soon as the page is loaded) the events in the Month calendar view. See here a solution for Sharepoint 2010. Tested with IE8 and Firefox 41. You’ll have to add the below JavaScript code into your calendar page: […]
Transform pseudo currency to number in JavaScript
In JavaScript I want to change some formatted numbers to a regular number. The code might be look like that: var aNb=[ 1500, “1,500”, “15,00”, “1,500,000”, “1,500,000.25”, “1000.25”, “1 000 000”]; for (var i=0; i < aNb.length; i++) { var nb = aNb[i] + “”; if (nb.split(“,”).length <= 2) nb = nb.replace(/,(\d{2})$/,”.$1″); nb = nb.replace(/[^\d\.\-]/g, […]
Force CORS headers in Firefox to allow cross domain calls
This guy created a Firefox extension to force the CORS (access-control) headers from a call. This is very useful when you want to do a JavaScript/AJAX query over another website that doesn’t allow the cross domain calls. His code is on github. I’ve the XPI compiled version on my blog (into a ZIP file) found […]
“class-phpmailer out of memory using GuiForm” avec WordPress
Ayant un WordPress sur 1and1 j’ai été confronté à un “out of memory” sur le fichier class-phpmailer.php à cause d’un appel AJAX d’un formulaire créé avec GuiForm. Je ne peux pas faire grand chose côté serveur à cause de l’hébergement partagé… Donc j’ai fouillé comment contourner le problème. Il va s’agir de modifier le fichier […]
Afficher correctement les caractères dans les fichiers de logs [Unix]
Lorsqu’on regarde ses fichiers de logs Apache (par exemple), on peut se retrouver face à des caractères dont l’encodage est bizarre… par exemple “là” donnera “l\xe0”. Pour afficher correctement les caractères dans votre console (en l’occurrence j’utilise Putty en encodage Latin1), il faut utiliser la commande suivante, trouvée sur StackOverflow : tailf /var/log/apache2/error.log | while […]
Android Lollipop – problème de microphone qui ne fonctionne plus
J’ai un Sony Xperia Z3 Compact et, soudainement, le micro s’est arrêté de fonctionner. Je suis passé sous Lollipop il y a quelques jours. Après investigation, cela est peut-être dû à l’utilisation de mon casque pour écouter de la musique… J’ai donc effectué quelques recherches pour trouver un correctif, et c’est finalement venu du Issue […]
Autosize a text to fit into a div in pure/native JavaScript
I was looking for a very tiny and light solution to fit a text inside a box. The box’ height and width are fixed. I only found some great solutions like BigText but I didn’t want to have jQuery loaded. Finally I found some code on StackOverflow and also at Coderwall. I created my own […]