SharePoint Online is doing lazy loading when we hit a page with webparts. If you created a SPFx webpart, and if it’s not visible right after the page load, then it will only be loaded once the user scrolls to it… To remove this behavior, and load the webpart as soon as possible, you must […]
Tag: english
Determine an element `height` and `width` in CSS only and reuse it within another CSS rule
I found this technic on – it only works on modern browsers (mainly Chrome and Edge) Let’s define the properties: @property –_x { syntax: “<number>”; inherits: true; initial-value: 0; } @property –_y { syntax: “<number>”; inherits: true; initial-value: 0; } @property –w { syntax: “<integer>”; inherits: true; initial-value: 0; } @property –h { syntax: […]
How to remove an account / leave an organization in MS Teams?
If in the top right corner of MS Teams, when you click on your profile picture, you see other organizations/accounts and you want to delete them: Go to the MS Teams Settings by clicking on the three dots next to your profile picture Go to Accounts and orgs Turn off or leave the org/account that […]
How to run Android TV 9 on Windows
I used to use Android Studio with the various emulators to test my Android apps, however for Android TV 9 it doesn’t work properly because it doesn’t have Google Play Store on it. To have a good version of Android TV 9: Downlad a VirtualBox image of it – I used the one shared in […]
Manual Installation of ExplorerPatcher
ExplorerPatcher permits to change the behavior of the Windows taskbar. If for some reasons the automatic install doesn’t work, you can proceed manually: Install it on a computer where the automatic install works On the target computer, download ep_setup.exe from the official website Open a Terminal and extract the files from the setup using the […]
Power Automate: how to verify if a property belongs to an object (apply to SharePoint Date too)
We can use this kind of formula (notice the questionmark): if(empty(variables(‘params’)?[variables(‘fieldName’)]), ‘fieldName is not part of the object params’, variables(‘params’)?[variables(‘fieldName’)]) Then it either returns “fieldName is not part of the object params”, or the value. We can use it to check if a date field is empty in a SharePoint List, because when getting the […]
Power Automate returns an error about “InvokerConnectionOverrideFailed” and “header.X-MS-APIM-Tokens”
While calling a “Run a Child Flow” from a Power Automate Flow, you could get an error about “InvokerConnectionOverrideFailed” and “header.X-MS-APIM-Tokens”. After investigating, to resolve this issue you need to open the “details” view of your child flow, and click on the “Edit” button from the “Run only users” card: Then in the Connections Used […]
Search and restore an item from a SharePoint Online Recycle Bin
It might be difficult to search for an item in a SharePoint recycle bin. I was using the end point _api/site/RecycleBin as a Site Collection Administrator, but in some cases it returns an error “The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold.”. The solution is to use another end point _api/site/getrecyclebinitems […]
Connect to SharePoint Online using an app clientId and clientSecret
Get `clientId` and `clientSecret` (source) You’ll need credentials: `clientId` – required string, client id obtained when registering the addin `clientSecret` – required string, client secret obtained when registering the addin `realm` – your SharePoint Online tenant id. The easiest way to find tenant is to open SharePoint Online site collection, click Site Settings → Site […]
Deploy a PCF NodeJS app as a scheduled task
I have a NodeJS app that runs as a process and that executes a task every 15 minutes using node-schedule. We first need a manifest.yml file that contains: — applications: – name: APP-NAME buildpack: nodejs_buildpack no-route: true health-check-type: process env: OPTIMIZE_MEMORY: true The no-route parameter is true so that we don’t get a route assigned, […]