EDIT in 2022 It might also be interesting to look at Intersection Observer that is now available in most browsers, and there is also a polyfill. const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => { entries.forEach((entry) => { let isVisible=(entry.intersectionRatio===1); }); }, {threshold:1}); observer.observe(document.querySelector(‘#element’); END EDIT I have this specific need that is to trigger an […]
Tag: english
Check if an element is visible [JavaScript]
We can find plenty of answers about how to check if an element is visible. In my case the one which works with opacity, and into a scrollable area, is this one (that I have optimized): function isScrolledIntoView(el, holder) { var bndElem = el.getBoundingClientRect(); var bndHolder = holder.getBoundingClientRect(); return bndElem.top <= bndHolder.top ? !(bndHolder.top – […]
Resolve Promise one after another, in sequence
Below is the code that is handy when you want to execute several Promise actions in sequence: function PromiseChain(arr, fct) { var dfd = Promise.resolve(); var res = arr.map(function(item,idx) { dfd = dfd.then(function() { return fct(item,idx) }); return dfd }); return Promise.all(res) } // for short version: // function PromiseChain(n,r){var e=Promise.resolve(),i=n.map(function(n,i){return e=e.then(function(){return r(n,i)})});return Promise.all(i)} And […]
Deep clone an object in JavaScript
We can find many discussions and solutions about this issue. In my case the one that worked is this code. Below you’ll find a compressed version of the extend() function (with a fix): function extend(){var r,t,n,o,e=arguments[0]||{},f=1,i=arguments.length,u=!1,y=function(r){if(null===r||”object”!=typeof r||r.nodeType||null!==r&&r===r.window)return!1;try{if(r.constructor&&!this.hasOwnProperty.call(r.constructor.prototype,”isPrototypeOf”))return!1}catch(t){return!1}return!0};for(“boolean”==typeof e&&(u=e,e=arguments[f]||{},f++),”object”!=typeof e&&”function”!=typeof e&&(e={}),!1;i>f;f+=1)if(null!==(r=arguments[f]))for(t in r)e!==r[t]&&”undefined”==typeof e[t]&&(u&&r[t]&&(y(r[t])||(n=Array.isArray(r[t])))?(n?(n=!1,o=e[t]&&Array.isArray(e[t])?e[t]:[]):o=e[t]&&y(e[t])?e[t]:{},e[t]=extend(u,o,r[t])):void 0!==r[t]&&(e[t]=r[t]));return e} And here an example: var object_a = { value_1: ‘a’, […]
Decode Sharepoint unicode URL
Sharepoint encodes the URLs with unicode, so we’ll see many \u002f to represent /. If you want to decode those unicode strings, you can use this short code: unescape(JSON.parse(‘”‘ + s.replace(‘”‘, ‘\\”‘) + ‘”‘))
Redirect after Deleting [Sharepoint]
When I open a dialog for an EditFrom and use the “Delete Item” button from the ribbon, then the main page is redirected to the related Sharepoint list. This behavior is very bad for the user experience. To change it I used the below Javascript code: // replace the Delete Item default action when into […]
Yes, you can be lazy and get more than 5000 SharePoint Items
To reply to this blog post I wanted to share the same thing but with SharepointPlus. To use the paging option and get all the content from a large Sharepoint list you can simply do the below code: $SP().list(“My List”).get({ fields:”ID,Title”, rowlimit:5000, paging:true, progress:function progress(nbItemsLoaded) { // for each new page this function will be […]
Execute an action before saving a form but after the form validation [Sharepoint]
Let’s say you want to do an asynchronous request just before saving a Sharepoint form, but after Sharepoint verified all the fields in your form (for mandatory ones, or for format, …). Here is my solution to do it (using jQuery.Deferred): // this function will do our asynchronous check function beforeSaving() { var deferred=jQuery.Deferred(); setTimeout(function() […]
Capture HTTP(S) traffic from Android using a sniffer
I wanted to debug an Android app that uses HTTPS requests with a JSON API. Thanks to this article I’ve been able to use my Windows 10 computer to get all the network from my Android phone thru my local network and decode the HTTPS requests ! I’m going to summarize the steps from the […]
Hide a field into a form with JSLink based on field’s description [Sharepoint]
On Sharepoint 2013 I was trying to hide a field (the complete row) based on some elements into its description. To do so we will call our file using the JSLink (see my previous post about it). The JS file looks like that: (function() { // do some actions as soon as the fields are […]