Tag: english

Bypass a lookup field not displayed because of threshold on NewForm and EditForm [Sharepoint 2013]

EDIT 22/Dec/2016: there is s a new version of this article at https://blog.kodono.info/wordpress/2016/12/22/2-bypass-a-lookup-field-not-displayed-because-of-threshold-on-newform-and-editform-sharepoint-2013/ Sharepoint is really annoying to limit the access to the list with more than 5,000 items… It causes many troubles, and one of them is when you use a lookup field into a form that is tied to a big list. Sharepoint […]

Add a SharePointWebControls into a HTML version of a MasterPage [Sharepoint 2013]

In Sharepoint 2013 it’s now possible to create the MasterPage based on an HTML file. Here is the snippet you need to add into your HTML page to get a SharePointWebControls: <!–SPM<%@ Register Tagprefix=”SharePointWebControls” Namespace=”Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls” Assembly=”Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c” %>–> <!–CS: Start Create Snippets From Custom ASP.NET Markup Snippet–> <!–SPM:<SharePointWebControls:TextField runat=”server” FieldName=”Title” />–> <!–CE: End […]

Illegal use of $_SERVER. You must use the request class or request_var() to access input data. [phpBB]

When I want to update my phpBB forum I get this annoying message because I’m using a homemade auth file where $_SERVER is used. I found the solution on the phpBB forum: Modified /forums/config/parameters.yml. Set core.disable_super_globals to false and delete the cache

Get color_id from a Google Calendar using API [PHP]

For a project I needed to get the events from a Google Calendar, as well as the colors from it. It’s been a pain, but after a couple of days I’ve been able to create a PHP page to do so. It will use the server-to-server auth mechanism. I’ll try to provide the different steps […]

A console program for Newsgroup post [linux]

I spent a long time to find how to post on newsgroup with Linux in console mode only. Here is the solution ! Download and compile newspost Newspost is a program to post on the newsgroup. I’m on Debian but this package doesn’t exist anymore. However you can download the source and compile them… except […]

Define the preview image for your masterpage [Sharepoint]

You can easily define the preview image for your masterpage : just go to the Master Page Gallery (e.g. : http://your.server.com/your/root/dir/_catalogs/masterpage/) and find your masterpage in the collection. Then move your mouse hover to have the downward arrow that appears to open its context menu. Choose “Edit Properties”, and you’ll see a Preview Image section […]

Create a file into Sharepoint document librairies with the Copy.asmx web service [Javascript]

This is the English version of my previous article EDIT: I’ve created a JavaScript API for Sharepoint that handles the file creation. Just look at http://aymkdn.github.com/SharepointPlus/symbols/%24SP%28%29.html#.createFile Did you know it’s possible to create a file from scratch and to add it into a shared documents library of Sharepoint, and only with Javascript ? To do […]