We can use this kind of formula (notice the questionmark): if(empty(variables(‘params’)?[variables(‘fieldName’)]), ‘fieldName is not part of the object params’, variables(‘params’)?[variables(‘fieldName’)]) Then if it either returns “fieldName is not part of the object params” or the value. We can use it to check if a date field is empty in a SharePoint List, because when getting […]
Author: Aymeric
Power Automate returns an error about “InvokerConnectionOverrideFailed” and “header.X-MS-APIM-Tokens”
While calling a “Run a Child Flow” from a Power Automate Flow, you could get an error about “InvokerConnectionOverrideFailed” and “header.X-MS-APIM-Tokens”. After investigating, to resolve this issue you need to open the “details” view of your child flow, and click on the “Edit” button from the “Run only users” card: Then in the Connections Used […]
Supprimer la commande Ctrl+Alt+Supp pour ouvrir Windows 11
Il suffit de modifier le registre de Windows (regedit), en passant à 1 la variable DisableCad dans ces deux emplacements : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Search and restore an item from a SharePoint Online Recycle Bin
It might be difficult to search for an item in a SharePoint recycle bin. I was using the end point _api/site/RecycleBin as a Site Collection Administrator, but in some cases it returns an error “The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold.”. The solution is to use another end point _api/site/getrecyclebinitems […]
Calculating HMAC SHA-1 in the Browser
If you’re looking for the equivalent of hash_hmac(‘sha1’, ‘string’, ‘secret’); in JavaScript, then here you go: async function hmac_sha1 (str, secret) { // see https://stackoverflow.com/a/47332317/1134119 let enc = new TextEncoder(“utf-8”); let key = await window.crypto.subtle.importKey( “raw”, // raw format of the key – should be Uint8Array enc.encode(secret), { // algorithm details name: “HMAC”, hash: {name: […]
Connect to SharePoint Online using an app clientId and clientSecret
Get `clientId` and `clientSecret` (source) You’ll need credentials: `clientId` – required string, client id obtained when registering the addin `clientSecret` – required string, client secret obtained when registering the addin `realm` – your SharePoint Online tenant id. The easiest way to find tenant is to open SharePoint Online site collection, click Site Settings → Site […]
Mount a SMB Network Drive with Pivotal Cloud Foundry (pcf) and access it using NodeJS
Connect to the Apps Manager and navigate to the space where you want to mount the drive. Look at the members, and make sure your user has the correct roles: Then in a console, connect and log into the pcf space (something like cf login and cf -s APPNAME). Next, try the command cf create-service […]
spfx error: No development certificate found. Generate a new certificate manually, or set the `canGenerateNewCertificate` parameter to `true` when calling `ensureCertificateAsync`
When using the command gulp serve, you could receive the below error: No development certificate found. Generate a new certificate manually, or set the `canGenerateNewCertificate` parameter to `true` when calling `ensureCertificateAsync` To resolve, you can type gulp trust-dev-cert.
Deploy a PCF NodeJS app as a scheduled task
I have a NodeJS app that runs as a process and that executes a task every 15 minutes using node-schedule. We first need a manifest.yml file that contains: — applications: – name: APP-NAME buildpack: nodejs_buildpack no-route: true health-check-type: process env: OPTIMIZE_MEMORY: true The no-route parameter is true so that we don’t get a route assigned, […]
Power Automate: execute a SQL Query via On-Promise Gateway
In Power Automate, when you want to connect to a SQL Server and if you have a On-Promise Gateway, then you cannot use the command “Execute a SQL Query” because it will say it’s not currently supported. There is a workaround with “Transform data using Power Query” (ATTENTION: you cannot load it from a flow […]