When using the command gulp serve, you could receive the below error: No development certificate found. Generate a new certificate manually, or set the `canGenerateNewCertificate` parameter to `true` when calling `ensureCertificateAsync` To resolve, you can type gulp trust-dev-cert.
Auteur/autrice : Aymeric
Deploy a PCF NodeJS app as a scheduled task
I have a NodeJS app that runs as a process and that executes a task every 15 minutes using node-schedule. We first need a manifest.yml file that contains: — applications: – name: APP-NAME buildpack: nodejs_buildpack no-route: true health-check-type: process env: OPTIMIZE_MEMORY: true The no-route parameter is true so that we don’t get a route assigned, […]
Power Automate: execute a SQL Query via On-Promise Gateway
In Power Automate, when you want to connect to a SQL Server and if you have a On-Promise Gateway, then you cannot use the command « Execute a SQL Query » because it will say it’s not currently supported. There is a workaround with « Transform data using Power Query » (ATTENTION: you cannot load it from a flow […]
Pass an URL parameter to a SharePoint Online form’s field
The only way to pass a URL parameter to a SharePoint Online (modern design) form’s field is to use PowerApps (at least, if you cannot add any JS on your website!). Important warning: when you use PowerApps to manage your form, all edits to the list settings won’t reflect to the PowerApps form. For example, […]
Transfer an Alexa AWS Lambda function from the online editor to the ASK CLI
When we follow the guide to build a new smarthome skill, it gives the steps to create a function in the online code editor. But if you prefer to use the ASK CLI, there is some steps to follow… I first create a fake skill with ask new (using the « hello world » and « AWS Lambda » […]
Detect mobile in JavaScript
We could simply check the resolution or user agent: const isMobile = Math.min(window.screen.width, window.screen.height) < 768 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mobile") > -1;
Add a domain to a Let’s Encrypt certificate
For Apache, in the folder sites-available, you need to create your the-new-one.your-domain.com.conf file. Then enable the new site with a2ensite the-new-one.your-domain.com. You can list all domains associated with a certificate: certbot certificates Now we add the SSL using certbot. You need to list all the existing domains and add the new one: certbot –apache –cert-name […]
Get email address from a Azure DevOps « by » field in Power Apps Flow
If you need to get an email from an Azure DevOps work item (e.g. from the « Changed By » field), it might be tricky in Power Apps Flow because it will return « John Doe <john@doe.com> ». To only extract the email from this string, you’ll have to use the below: first(split(last(split([YOUR_FIELD], »))
Use CTRL and TAB to switch between two tabs in Chrome
It’s super handy to be able to switch between two tabs in the web browser… But it’s tricky to set it up in Chrome! Install AutoControl: Keyboard shortcut, Mouse gesture Install the native component as the extension asks for Add a new action The trigger is LEFT CTRL and TAB The action is Switch to […]
Mise à jour d’un serveur Kimsufi (OVH) depuis Debian 10 (Buster) vers Debian 11 (Bullseye)
Il faut régulièrement penser à mettre à jour son serveur Kimsufi. Je vais essayer d’expliquer brièvement les étapes à suivre pour cela. On vérifie les problèmes liés à la mise à jour. Prévoir une connexion SSH depuis 2 emplacements si possible à cause d’un problème sur SSH durant l’installation. On va effectuer une mise à […]