I wanted to inject some codes on Github, however I received Content Security Policy errors. It’s because Github blocks this kind of injected code. To bypass this restriction I installed the addon Content Security Policy Override (if you have Firefox you can install this Chrome addon using Chrome Store Foxified) then I applied the below […]
Category: Astuce
Contrôler la Freebox avec Google Home
J’ai tout expliqué sur ce site dédié : https://assistant.kodono.info/freebox/
How to drag and drop a file into a dropzone in HTML5
We can find plenty of demo and tutorials about it on the web, but it took me a while to understand how to setup something easy and quick. The purpose is to have a zone where we can drop a file from our computer. You need: A zone where the file will be dropped (for […]
Sharepoint WopiFrame allow framing
In Sharepoint you can use <WebPartPages:AllowFraming runat=”server” /> to disable the SAMEORIGIN for X-FRAME-OPTION giving you the opportunity to call your page from an iframe (see this other article). However you cannot use the same trick to preview a file into the browser with WopiFrame.aspx. But there is a way to do it, using the […]
Change a “Choice with Fill-In” field into a magic dropdown [Sharepoint]
Sometimes you want to modify the options for a dropdown box by removing some existing options, however you want to be able to keep these old values for reporting or whatever reasons. Below is a way to do it by using jQuery and SharepointPlus. It will hide the “Specify your own value” stuff, and add […]
How to hide the left navigation bar in Sharepoint without CSS
We can easily find some workarounds to hide the left navigation bar on Sharepoint using CSS…. But I wanted to remove it on a specific page, without using any CSS. It’s actually pretty simple. You need to add the below tag into your .aspx page: <asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID=”PlaceHolderLeftNavBar” runat=”Server”></asp:Content> Tested with Sharepoint 2013 On-Promise.
How to cache the CSS Fonts with Sharepoint
If you use your own CSS file with your own CSS fonts, then we’ll notice that Sharepoint doesn’t send cache headers if you use the below CSS code: @font-face { font-family: ‘Roboto’; src: url(‘/_catalogs/masterpage/css/fonts/Roboto/Regular/Roboto-Regular.woff2’) format(‘woff2’), url(‘/_catalogs/masterpage/css/fonts/Roboto/Regular/Roboto-Regular.woff’) format(‘woff’), url(‘/_catalogs/masterpage/css/fonts/Roboto/Regular/Roboto-Regular.ttf’) format(‘truetype’); font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; } To have this resource sent back from the Sharepoint server with […]
Create an Unpublished Content view for the masterpage galery [Sharepoint]
With Sharepoint 2013 I wanted an easy way to list of the pages in my masterpage galery that haven’t been published yet. You first need to Create a new view named Unpublished Content. You can sort by Name, and scroll down to the Folders settings and choose Show all items without folders. We now have […]
Détecter si le Freebox Player est allumé ou éteint (en veille) via les API de Free [Programmation]
Il n’existe pas de commande directe qui permette de savoir si le Player est éteint (en veille) ou allumé… Cependant il existe une astuce qui consiste à faire une requête en utilisant les paramètres suivants : { url:”http://mafreebox.freebox.fr/api/v3/airmedia/receivers/Freebox%20Player/”, headers:{ “X-Fbx-App-Auth”: client.app.session_token }, method:”POST”, json: { “action”:”stop”, “media_type”:”video” }, encode:”utf-8″ } La Freebox va alors retourner […]
Disable X-Frame-Options on Sharepoint
I needed to communicate with an iframe on Sharepoint, however Sharepoint returned Load denied by X-Frame-Options … To override this limitation you have to create a Webpart page where you’ll add the code <WebPartPages:AllowFraming runat=”server” /> into the <asp:Content> section (that might work somewhere else, but I did this way). You can also add it […]