For Apache, in the folder sites-available, you need to create your file. Then enable the new site with a2ensite You can list all domains associated with a certificate: certbot certificates Now we add the SSL using certbot. You need to list all the existing domains and add the new one: certbot –apache –cert-name […]
Category: Astuce
Get email address from a Azure DevOps “by” field in Power Apps Flow
If you need to get an email from an Azure DevOps work item (e.g. from the “Changed By” field), it might be tricky in Power Apps Flow because it will return “John Doe <>”. To only extract the email from this string, you’ll have to use the below: first(split(last(split([YOUR_FIELD],”))
Use CTRL and TAB to switch between two tabs in Chrome
It’s super handy to be able to switch between two tabs in the web browser… But it’s tricky to set it up in Chrome! Install AutoControl: Keyboard shortcut, Mouse gesture Install the native component as the extension asks for Add a new action The trigger is LEFT CTRL and TAB The action is Switch to […]
Portable version of NodeJS on Windows
(This is a corrected version of this blog post) Install Cmder in your desired location. Download from the latest release. Extract the contents of (i.e.: nvm.exe …) into the bin folder inside of the portable Cmder folder. Navigate to the bin. Create a new file called install_fix.cmd that contains this code. Open a […]
Redirect non-www to www on a PHPBB Forum
In the PHPBB directory, edit the file .htaccess and after RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app.php [QSA,L] you can enter: RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off # First rewrite to HTTPS: # Don’t put www. here. If it is already there it will be included, if not # the subsequent rule will catch it. RewriteRule .* https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] # Now, rewrite […]
Capacitor Plugin for HTTP requests with self-signed SSL certificates
I’m using CapacitorJS for easy development with Android. I needed a way to do an HTTPS request to a box that uses self-signed SSL certificate. To accomplish it, I created my own capacitor plugin. See this wiki page for details:
Enable CORS with IIS
It’s as easy as editing the web.config file with the below: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <configuration> <system.webServer> <httpProtocol> <customHeaders> <add name=”Access-Control-Allow-Origin” value=”” /> <add name=”Access-Control-Allow-Headers” value=”Authorization,Accept,Content-Type,X-Requested-With” /> <add name=”Access-Control-Allow-Credentials” value=”true” /> </customHeaders> </httpProtocol> </system.webServer> </configuration>
L’application Android “Huawei Health” (ou “Santé” en français) retourne l’erreur : “les notifications sont indisponibles”
“Erreur du système, les notifications sont indisponibles. Veuillez redémarrer votre téléphone. Si le problème persiste, contactez le fabricant de votre appareil.” J’ai eu cette erreur sur mon Samsung S20 FE. J’ai réussi à m’en sortir ou désinstallant tout puis en réinstallant… Mais je pense que la solution pouvait être autre : dans les Paramètres du […]
Problème d’accès avec C:\Program Files\WindowsApps
J’utilise d’habitude le raccourci wt.exe dans la barre de Windows Explorer, mais j’ai reçu une erreur aujourd’hui me disant que le fichier n’existe pas… Après quelques recherches, j’ai découvert que je n’ai aucun accès au répertoire C:\Program Files\WindowsApps là où se trouve Windows Terminal. J’ai réussi à le refaire marcher en lançant un terminal en […]
Access to Sharepoint Online with Windows Explorer
If you want to access your Sharepoint online (https://[tenant], you first need to make sure the site is in the Trusted Website in Internet Explorer. Open Internet Explorer, navigate to the website, then open the Internet Options: Add your website to the Trusted Website zone: Next open Windows Explorer and right-click on “Your PC “, […]