For a project I needed to get the events from a Google Calendar, as well as the colors from it. It’s been a pain, but after a couple of days I’ve been able to create a PHP page to do so. It will use the server-to-server auth mechanism. I’ll try to provide the different steps […]
Catégorie : Astuce
Play with ribbon on Sharepoint
In Sharepoint 2010 and 2013, there are some existing functions to deal with the ribbon. Below an example of what we can do: // we need the file « sp.ribbon.js » SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(function () { // use PageManager var pm = SP.Ribbon.PageManager.get_instance(); // define a function to call when the ribbon is loaded var DoSomethingWithRibbon=function(ribbon) { // For […]
How to change the default logon name on Windows 7
On a remote PC it was another logon name that appeared by default… In that case I had to click on « Switch User », then « Other User », and finally enter my username and password. Very frustrating. After a few searches I found we can change the default name using the registry and with the below commands […]
VirtualBox qui utilise le VPN de la machine hôte
Dans le cadre de mon travail j’ai dû utiliser VirtualBox afin de pouvoir tester différentes versions d’IE. Mon problème est que mon PC utilise normalement un VPN pour accéder au réseau de l’entreprise et que ma VM n’arrive pas à y accéder de base…. Pour y remédier il faut d’abord définir deux adaptateurs dans l’onglet […]
Change screen saver timeout [Windows]
Let’s say your network admin blocked the default screensaver timeout to 15 minutes, but you want more…. You can change this timeout by running as an administrator the regedit then use the « Find… » command to look for « ScreenSaveTimeOut ». It should be under Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop The timeout is defined in seconds. Just change the value and […] is returned when trying to change the default search engine for Internet Explorer
I have IE11 on my pro laptop, with Bing, while I want to use Google as my default search engine. However it keeps returning me the page with no way to install another search provider… After looking for a solution, I found you can use the direct link to be able to install […]
Force CORS headers in Firefox to allow cross domain calls
This guy created a Firefox extension to force the CORS (access-control) headers from a call. This is very useful when you want to do a JavaScript/AJAX query over another website that doesn’t allow the cross domain calls. His code is on github. I’ve the XPI compiled version on my blog (into a ZIP file) found […]
Sharepoint Workflow: Check if a field is empty [Sharepoint 2010]
The Sharepoint workflows are powerful but sometimes stupid… If you want to: Check if a Date Field is empty, then you can use a String Workflow Variable that contains your Date Field as a Short Date (SP2013) (or a String for SP2010), and then compare it to « 1/1/0001 » (or « 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM » for SP2010) Check […]
Afficher correctement les caractères dans les fichiers de logs [Unix]
Lorsqu’on regarde ses fichiers de logs Apache (par exemple), on peut se retrouver face à des caractères dont l’encodage est bizarre… par exemple « là » donnera « l\xe0 ». Pour afficher correctement les caractères dans votre console (en l’occurrence j’utilise Putty en encodage Latin1), il faut utiliser la commande suivante, trouvée sur StackOverflow : tailf /var/log/apache2/error.log | while […]
Windows 10 et Cortana : lancer les recherches sur Google au lieu de Bing sous Firefox
Microsoft essaie d’imposer son moteur de recherche, mais je continue à préférer Google…. Du coup quand Cortana sous Windows 10 nous redirige sur Bing, ça m’agace… Sous Firefox on peut utiliser l’extension Redirector puis appliquer les règles suivantes : Example URL :*&* Include Pattern :*&* Redirect To :$1 Pattern Type : Wildcard […]