Tag: Debug

Power Automate: how to verify if a property belongs to an object (apply to SharePoint Date too)

We can use this kind of formula (notice the questionmark): if(empty(variables(‘params’)?[variables(‘fieldName’)]), ‘fieldName is not part of the object params’, variables(‘params’)?[variables(‘fieldName’)]) Then if it either returns “fieldName is not part of the object params” or the value. We can use it to check if a date field is empty in a SharePoint List, because when getting […]

Power Automate returns an error about “InvokerConnectionOverrideFailed” and “header.X-MS-APIM-Tokens”

While calling a “Run a Child Flow” from a Power Automate Flow, you could get an error about “InvokerConnectionOverrideFailed” and “header.X-MS-APIM-Tokens”. After investigating, to resolve this issue you need to open the “details” view of your child flow, and click on the “Edit” button from the “Run only users” card: Then in the Connections Used […]

Deploy a PCF NodeJS app as a scheduled task

I have a NodeJS app that runs as a process and that executes a task every 15 minutes using node-schedule. We first need a manifest.yml file that contains: — applications: – name: APP-NAME buildpack: nodejs_buildpack no-route: true health-check-type: process env: OPTIMIZE_MEMORY: true The no-route parameter is true so that we don’t get a route assigned, […]

Pass an URL parameter to a SharePoint Online form’s field

The only way to pass a URL parameter to a SharePoint Online (modern design) form’s field is to use PowerApps (at least, if you cannot add any JS on your website!). Important warning: when you use PowerApps to manage your form, all edits to the list settings won’t reflect to the PowerApps form. For example, […]

Debug a third party Android APK

(inspired by this blog post) 1) Install smalidea plugin Download the smalidea plugin (see also the related Github Repository). Open up Android Studio and you should see the welcome screen like the one on screenshot below (if not, close your current project by selecting File -> Close project), go to the Plugins section, and from […]

Émuler Raspberry Pi sous Windows

Depuis que j’ai fait assistant-plugins, j’ai plusieurs utilisateurs qui m’ont demandé comment l’installer sur leur Raspberry. Ce système est censé être similaire à une Debian, cependant ils semblent y avoir des différences… J’ai donc cherché à émuler cet OS sous mon Windows 10. Sources : https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/iliast/2016/11/10/how-to-emulate-raspberry-pi/ https://enavarro.me/emuler-un-raspberry-pi-avec-qemu.html Voici les étapes : Télécharger la dernière version […]

Capture HTTP(S) traffic from Android using a sniffer

I wanted to debug an Android app that uses HTTPS requests with a JSON API. Thanks to this article I’ve been able to use my Windows 10 computer to get all the network from my Android phone thru my local network and decode the HTTPS requests ! I’m going to summarize the steps from the […]

Illegal use of $_SERVER. You must use the request class or request_var() to access input data. [phpBB]

When I want to update my phpBB forum I get this annoying message because I’m using a homemade auth file where $_SERVER is used. I found the solution on the phpBB forum: Modified /forums/config/parameters.yml. Set core.disable_super_globals to false and delete the cache